Save on Snow Apparel & Gear
Shop the latest lightweight backpacking equipment and hiking gear from top brands like Western Mountaineering, MSR, Therm-a-Rest, Osprey, and Hilleberg to make your next backcountry trip easier and faster. Not quite looking to hike the PCT? Shop our huge selection of luxury car camping gear to outfit your crew with super-comfy sleeping pads, a 6-person tent, and a gourmet camp kitchen. No matter how you travel in the outdoors, we have the camping outdoor gear to get you there. There's no telling who might explore with you when you're equipped and leading the way.
From backpacks to tents, carabiners to snowshoes, we have everything to satisfy those who love outdoor gear. We'll help you outfit your next adventure and ensure it's safe, comfortable, and memorable. We proudly carry one of the best selections of climbing gear anywhere, for everyone from first-time gym climbers to big wall specialists.